Monday, January 3, 2011

Food and Desire in Contemporary Marketing


  1. I thought of this poem immediately because I love it and it has a little bit of sexiness I think. Also, a lot of eating.

    I will eat Heaven. I'll eat the trees, leaf
    by leaf, will gorge on amplitude, on coils
    of crimson trumpet vine looping each lofty
    crown: I'll swallow those kings of earth, and
    the owls,
    crows, vieros, cardinals, their plumage in all
    hues not to mention their zigzag trajectories.
    I will devour that telephone wire, the small
    talk wriggling through it like sperm, the house
    next door
    and the man and the woman inside cooking dinner,
    will savor the slow aroma of their comprehension
    as I chew their fingers. For dessert, the
    piece of sky, iced with a creamy sheen
    of cloud, and in time I'll eat my own tongue, my
    own eye,
    whatever you feel for me, and whatever you're
    about to say.

    -Joanie Mackowski from her collection "View from a Temporary Window" (some of the lines were too long thus the odd breaks)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like it, however I do not fully understand it. "I'll swallow those kings of earth and..." and "I will devour that telephone wire...". What does that mean? What does it symbolize?

  4. Today's lecture made me think of a sculpture called The Ecstasy of St. Teresea (aka Saint Teresa in Ecstasy) by Bernini:

    As inspiration for his 1652 sculpture Saint Teresa in Ecstasy, Gianlorenzo Bernini kept returning to one passage in the autobiography of Saint Teresa of Avila:

    It pleased our Lord that I would sometimes see this vision: very close to me, on my left, an angel appeared in human form... In his hands I saw a golden spear and at the end of the iron tip I seemed to see a point of fire. With this he seemed to pierce my heart several times so that it penetrated to my entrails. When he drew it out, I thought he was drawing them out with it, and he left me utterly consumed by the great love of God.

    "The pain was so sharp that it made me utter several moans; and so excessive was the sweetness caused me by this intense pain that one can never wish it to cease, nor will one's soul be content with anything less than God."

    To which a French diplomat reputedly responded: "If this is divine love, I know all about it."

    Freudian interpretations aside, the Catholic church has celebrated the sculpture, which is captioned "Mother of Spirituality" and widely praised as a religious masterpiece. Its presence in the transept of Santa Maria Della Vittoria church in Rome has made the church one of the city's most popular sites for weddings.

    "Could there be a more felicitous portent for marital bliss?" asks Poundstone.

  5. Fantastic--this is precisely what I had in mind yesterday!

  6. Thursday's lecture and the tangent of the evil eye made me think of this sexy witch in pathfinder rpg.
    witches in pathfinder rpg can get an evil eye ability that lures and messes with their head and the eye lures them in but your eyes may lure you in to her. It is the attractiveness of the forbidden fruit. of the apple. Even people with evil eyes can be a lure.

  7. Sure--thus, "you are the apple of my eye."

  8. Im not sure how to make a new comment but after watching these commercials, I remembered the Jessica Simpson one for Pizza Hut.

    Her sexiness really does sell the food!

    There really are a lot of examples of food and desire in today's marketing campaigns...its amazing!!!

  9. Relating food with sex appeal has been around since the invention of television (I think)! Marketing has come to the conclusion that sex sells,and so they use it.
    This commercial combines sex appeal and food.
    It's a commercial selling Dole Bananas. Very insuinating slogan, and the camera focuses on the most sensual parts of the woman's body. Think about it...
