In the Soc 101 class, we were required to read Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud. While studying for my final, I came across a very interesting idea he quotes. He believes that the necessities in life are food and love.
Freud describes the importance of love and states the only thing that causes "social anxiety is the loss of love" (85). Love is the only thing that a man opens his heart to and it is the worst thing he can loose for it can do the most damage!
Freud even believed that love was just as necessary as nourishment was! Just thought I would share my findings :)
Yes, I think that he is right--a premature baby, for example, will require both physical contact (a manifestation of love in the form of cuddling, caressing, etc.) as much as nourishment (the mother's milk or any such form of nutrition) in order to survive. Again, the woman is physically able to supply both at the same time. While she holds the baby to her breast, she is both engaging in physical contact and providing food. Perhaps we have no choice but to confuse the two from the beginning.