Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ton-Ton Macoutes


  1. This is really hard to watch... but it's the truth and the reality that exists in much of the world today. I feel that while our world is advancing, technologically and mentally, we are creating an ever wider gap. A huge disparity exists. There are areas like Beverly Hills, that posses fancy cars, the latest technological advancements (ipads,iphones,imac) and safe pedicured environments. However, just below the Tropic of Cancer lies Haiti, were safety and day to day survival are difficult. The gap I feel that exists in your world is one "basic human needs". Those human needs are food, shelter, water and safety. It is tragic, that we have the man power and resources to provide them for all people, but that politics and corruptions make this very difficult. For those interested, there is an amazing book called "Mountains Beyond Mountains" written by Tracy Kidder. This book is about Dr. Paul Farmer and his clinic in Haiti... truly amazing.

  2. Just rewatched to catch facts for my paper, so depressing. I think we can further relate Sophie's story as a symbolic link to Haiti by the moods both the book and this video of political reality create.
